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hello CDC, I wonder how accurate is the 6months'''' window period? I mean rencently I heard that some people were negative in 4months after high risky behaviour,but they are positive when it came 14 months. Do u think it is just rumor? *anxiously* lululu CDC你好。我想知道6个月窗口期的准确度?最近我听说有人在4个月的时候是阴,然后14个月又转阳的。你们觉得是会不会是传言呢?

CDC回复: The tests commonly used to detect HIV infection are actually looking for antibodies produced by an individual’s immune system when they are exposed to HIV. Most people will develop detectable antibodies within two to eight weeks (the average is 25 days). Ninety seven percent will develop antibodies in the first three months following the time of their infection. In very rare cases, it can take up to six months to develop antibodies to HIV. In these cases that you are talking about, a person would have had to have anot her risk for HIV after the test.


美国三大机构关于窗口期的论述 美国红十字会 basic answer: before getting tested, it is useful for people to wait three months from the time they think they may have been infected with hiv (the virus that causes aids). this is enough time for most people to develop antibodies to hiv (the average time is 25 days.) otherwise, people may test negative even though they have hiv. this is called the "window period." 一般从高危三个月后进行测试是有效的.对于大多数人来说(平均25天)是可以产生足够的抗体.但也有可能是假阴,这就称为”空窗期” 网址: http://www.redcross.org/services/hss/tips/waittest.html

hiv insite for example, most antibodies show up within 4-6 weeks. and it goes on to say that if a person tests negative at 3 months then no further tests are needed. 大多数抗体产生不会超出4-6周,如果3个月后再复查,阴性的话,不须进行进一步的测试. 网址: http://www.hivinsite.ucsf.edu/insite.jsp?doc=2098.3ccb&page=pr-04-02

纽约护士协会: most people infected with hiv will develop enough antibodies to be detected by our current hiv antibody tests four weeks after the exposure. 用现行的抗体测试方法,大多数人在感染后4周就可产生足够的抗体了. 网址: http://www.nysna.org/programs/practice/alerts/alert3.html



从受到艾滋病病毒感染, 到体内产生出艾滋病病毒抗体,这一段时间称为窗口期。在窗口期,艾滋病病毒感染者的血液检测查不到艾滋病病毒抗体,结果呈阴性。窗口期的长短个体有差异, 在2周到8周,一般为8周,只有极个别人的窗口期长达3-6个月(但这种机会万分之一都不到)。在感染过程中,首先出现的是病毒RNA,这是可以用PCR的方法检测出来,之后出现的是IgM抗体,使用双抗原夹心法即可以检测出来,然后出现的是IgG抗体,使用间接法可以检测出来,现在提供的金标试纸条是双抗原夹心法,最短在感染6天之后就可以检测出来,大多数样本的窗口期在8周内,绝大多数人在2个月后都可以检出,如果高危行为过了2个月仍无法检测出来,基本上没有感染的可能了。





